Your Own Civilized Hotel Fleet

Flexible Hotel E-Bike Program

Immerse your guests in their local area with a premium e-bike experience unlike any other.
Starting from $249/month. Maintenance included.
Inquire Today


Immersive Guest Experience

Empower your guests to truly explore your city in comfort and style.

Ancillary Revenue

Recapture revenue from rideshare and rental companies.

Maintenance Free

Civilized Cycles will provide all routine maintenance, and replace any e-bikes as needed.

How it works

RESERVE YOUR BIKES AND ACCESSORIES - Customize your fleet to fit your brand's style.
SCHEDULE A DROPOFF DATE - Our team will deliver the bikes and train your team. Your subscription starts the day the bikes are delivered.
ENJOY THE RIDE - Your guests, employees and everyone will able to experience their surroundings like never before.

How it works

RESERVE YOUR BIKES AND ACCESSORIES - Customize your fleet to fit your brand's style.
SCHEDULE A DROPOFF DATE - Our team will deliver the bikes and train your team. Your subscription starts the day the bikes are delivered.
ENJOY THE RIDE - Your guests, employees and everyone will able to experience their surroundings like never before.


Inquire with us to become a hotel fleet partner today
